FundedNext, a leading platform for traders, has announced changes to its trading hours for certain instruments throughout September. The adjusted hours aim to enhance trading experiences for all users. Key dates to note include Monday, September 02, and Wednesday, September 18, when normal trading will resume on the specified dates. Traders are encouraged to review the full schedule to stay informed about these changes.
In addition to the trading hour adjustments, FundedNext is excited to introduce new rules for its September Trading Competition. These changes are designed to address concerns surrounding unrealistic profits that have appeared on the competition leaderboard. FundedNext is committed to providing an equitable trading environment and aims to foster a fair competition by disqualifying abusive trading practices. The new structure is expected to enhance overall engagement and maintain the integrity of the competition.
Furthermore, FundedNext is proud to announce that one of its traders, Maadh, has successfully secured a five-digit payout this week. This achievement highlights the platform's commitment to empowering traders to achieve their financial goals while engaging in a comprehensive trading experience.